Humble Beginnings
TSBC was founded in 1990 in Tangshan, Hebei Province, China, initially focusing on the cultivation of sweet potatoes, ginger, and garlic. This decade saw steady growth in production and the establishment of strong relationships with local farmers in the region.
Expansion and Diversification
Building on its success with sweet potatoes, ginger, and garlic grown in its Tangshan base, TSBC expanded its operations and product range. Investments in improved farming techniques led to increased yields and higher quality. Export opportunities was pursued.
Global Reach and Growth
TSBC implemented vertical integration, gaining control over processing and packaging at its Tangshan facilities. This enhanced quality control and efficiency, supporting expansion into new global markets with a focus on sweet potatoes, ginger, and garlic.
Continued Excellence
TSBC continues to focus on innovation and sustainability in the production of sweet potatoes, ginger, and garlic at its Tangshan base. Investments in technology and new partnerships are driving growth and enhancing global reach. The company remains committed to its Tangshan roots while expanding its global footprint.